al-Fayoum Oasis and Wadi Rayan
See the most famous desert oasis at al-Fayoum. A city in the middle of the desert just moments way from the wilderness. This area has long been considered a hidden gem, largely unnoticed in the shadow of the pyramids and the temples of tourist fame. Populated with many different types of birds and wildlife, al-Fayoum oasis provides a different kind of experience filled with peace and relaxation.
Pickup from the hotel and travel southwest to the desert oasis of al-Fayoum.
Arrive at the great Lake Birket Qarun.
View the wells of al-Fayoum that have supplied water to the people of each age.
Continue by car to Wadi Rayan and see magestic waterfalls and breathtaking landscapes.
Return to Cairo after seeing the serenity of nature.
Tour price: $70 single traveler, $40 per person 2 or more people.
Tour includes knowledgeable guide and transportation.
Tour excludes ticket prices of admission, subject to change, call for current admission prices.
Options available for shopping including historical Egyptian mementos.
Options available for breakfast, lunch and dinner of many different types.
Options available for booking hotels - all price ranges.
Options available for lake boat tour.